Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Planning the next workshop in Germany

Dear people
I will be coming to germany again around November 2008.There will be a 3rd workshop in bremen, with the same people who attended the last two, and hopefully some more will join us.I feel that each time that I conduct this workshop I and also the participants are able to aproach this subject of 2nd and 3rd generation more courageousely. It is very natural that it takes time to melt the walls of defence and fear from both sides.
I deeply thank the beautiful women who participated in the workshop. (so far we had only women coming, and descided to keep it that way in Bremen)I hope that next time we will dive even deeper in this important subject.
I will also go to visit some people around Munich and intend to have workshops there.
In two weeks I will host here in Israel 2 very nice women-Ines, whom I met in Dharamsala, where we discussed the idea of this workshop, and then orgenized it in Bremen.and Annelie who is doing such a wonderful job in translating from English to German. So I hope we will have nice time together here in the middleast.

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