Monday, September 8, 2008

Anger letter

This is a very brilliant and miraculous techneque for releasing unexpressed anger, that was accumulated since long time ago until this very minute.
It will help you clean your liver\gall bladder and will help you address present time issues without negative emotional charge that is carried from the past.
so this is what you do:
1st day:
Writing all the anger that I feel towards this person or phenomena
Elaborate and be precise.
Sign it Fold it Hide it
2nd day:
Read it, correct or add what ever is necessary to make it accurate. Sign it Fold it Hide it
3rd day:
Read it, Tell yourself that you stand behind this content Sign it Burn it, with real fire
Please be careful about using fire
Make a list of who needs to receive anger letter from you
Example of a list: Mother, father, brother, sister, first teacher, ex-husband, my child etc.
Also: My country, the government, men, women, God (any god), society, the company etc
Please note that anger letter should be kept private and should be burnt at once.

Thanks to Lazaris and Yesh

1 comment:

Anastácio Soberbo said...

Hello, I like this blog.
Sorry not write more, but my English is not good.
A hug from Portugal