Thursday, March 11, 2010

wabi sabi in my blood

wabi sabi in my core.
imperfection is so in the now
wisdom and beauty leaking in through the cracks
gazing at my figure in the mirror
thinking of times human had none(mirrors)
touching my face
touching my mask
re-membering those weeks on the Sinai beach
there was a mirror triangle in the size of camel packet of cigarettes
there were lots of black stains
how wabi sabi of it
i have a daughter who worships sets of cutlery
she needs it for her peace of mind
she grew up with
i rests in the arms of wabi-sabi
and Jack Nicholson calls himself Mr Caos in my dream
and assures everyone that he knows what he is doing

i wish i would stop investing in my image
i do it less and less

The Crone from the future is laughing so loud

sweet wisdom eyes


Uzumi is wild

i love the one i am becoming
she is soooo wabi sabi

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