Monday, March 15, 2010

circle of Honesty

I worked with the for 3 months last year when they visited Israel Palestine in their out post.
Great 3 months of working as their personal and group coach.
On february 15th 2010 the Knowmads school was opened in Amsterdam. I am completely truely fully involved there.
and I love it!!!
10 council people we are,great to work with
12 tribal students alive and kicking
Did I say that I love it?
I stayed with them for 3 weeks ,now back in Israel already planning my next visit.

now here at my home,I think about them and feel that this letter from me to them is in the right time.

I trust that they can do that on their own or else ,contemplating about it will sure do some good

dear knowmads/tribe one

it is exactly a week since i landed here,and you are in my mind all the time,like a parallel reality,as rich and full as the other one which is
my family, my friends, the clients,the home, cooking, art,all of this...and the beach...

i have been thinking that probably in the group talk already a pattern is emerging.i don't know it as i am not there with you,somehow i feel that i want to write to you,kind of, about what can be happening.
so if it is helpful -take it, and if not-discard.

by now you probably have "roles" in the group talks, unofficial "roles" like-

the one that is speaking for a long time, taking the time of the group while forming his ideas, and really wanting to persuade.

another would be the one that is really heavy with his personal emotions and taking all that is said personally.and the hurt is there in the room, unspoken.

the one who never speaks , as if is waiting to be addressed personally so that he will express his thoughts

another would be the impatient rationalist who want to get things done,right now

or the one trying to mediate and to satisfy all by smearing deep ideas into a convenient soup

and the one who truly believes that his ideas are the best and doesn't listen to others while they talk but busy with-"when i will jump in and show them that i am right".

the one that is sure that he doesn't have anything to say because all sound so --------
and more

and i dont have anybody in mind while i write this,those pattern exist everywhere.

my suggestion is, if you find any of this valid,create a circle
this special circle will be called,the circle of honesty
in order to do that each one will think ahead to himself-what is my "role" in that sense,in the tribe.
am i really clear about it?
do i choose to share it with the others?
do i want to use this chance to challenge my "role" that is based on my experience of the past?

then gather all of you
let cynicism slide away
let everyone express his self reflection and his emotions around it.
don't give any remarks to those who speak, just let their words float in the space of the circle.
be gentle
everyone can choose also to ask for help for challenging his past "role"

example-"i usually take a lot of time to explain my thoughts and ideas because i am afraid that nobody will understand and then i wont be able to influence,and i can't take it that others will influence because they are not as ------ as i am,and we will all loose.i cannot relax about it"

this process takes sincerity and serenity and openness and letting go and all that you have there among you,you even have more-"what ever is needed"...
remember that the soul whispers subtly while ego shouts

good luck
love you
let me know what is happening

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